Et oui, aujourd’hui Jamie nous demande ce pour quoi nous voulons faire de la place dans notre vie… Pas facile comme question, n’est-ce pas ?
Au départ, j’ai pensé m’ouvrir à plus de spontanéité car je suis quelqu’un qui pense tellement qu’elle n’agit finalement que peu. Mais j’ai repensé à un exercice fait dans mon journal il y a quelques mois et donc…
Je souhaite faire de la place à ma réussite.
Avec le recul, je me rends compte que j’ai peur de réussir et de ce que cela pourrait engendrer. Je ne vois que le négatif alors que la réussite est quelque chose de très positif à la base.
Il est souvent plus facile de se laisser envahir par la Peur que d’essayer de la dominer, de la comprendre et donc de la laisser filer.
Je lui fais donc aujourd’hui de la place dans ma vie, je lui ouvre les bras en grand: je suis prête à réussir dans ce que j’entreprends.
As Nolwenn wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
With a side order of spontaneity 😉
As Nolwenn wishes for herself, I wish for her also. Blessing to you and thank you for thinking for us also!
As Nolwenn wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Open your arms wide, here comes spontaneous success! Or is it successful spontaneity?
We Nolwenn wishes for herself I wish for her also. Success! Success! and then some more!
as Nolwenn wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
you are so right about the fear , I struggle with that also.
I think it is Marianne Williamson that said “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”
A great wish, Nolwenn! We do often fear success, because success means change and stepping out of our comfort zone. But such change is also necessary if one is to grow and ultimately to be happy.
As Nolwenn wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Thanks a lot for your support in my wishes !
Karen, I love that quote; I didn’t know it so thank your for sharing it here.
Yes Tim, I think you’re right. And this change is necessary.
As Nolwenn wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
I know this feeling: success makes visible. And this signs danger. I’m working at the change of this feeling too.
As Nolwenn wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
What an inspirational and empowering post! I also love the photo as well! May these wonderful wishes come true for you…for all of us!
Crois y très fort et ça arrivera 😉
ISA ^__^
Oui 🙂
Hey Nolwenn,
Great wish! Fear of success seems to be an issue of many. Much stronger than a fear of failure. Many years ago at an assertiveness training workshop someone said that of me. Been overcoming that fear ever since. It can be done. Like the power of your dream board. May your wish to be successful on every level come true!
Giulietta the Muse
WhooHOOO! As Nolwenn wishes to create room for her success, so too do I wish for Nolwenn’s “SuccessSpace!” 🙂 Cheers love!
As Nolwenn wishes for herself, I so wish for her as well….
As Nolwenn wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. 🙂
May success be yours!
Thank you soooo much everyone !
There is place for everyone’s success.
Blessed be
As Nolwenn wishes for herself, so I wish for her too!
Thank you Lani 🙂