I thought it could be nice to share with you a few of the photos I had to take for my Initiation to photography and video class.
This was our first big project. 13 categories, 3 photos for each. We could choose to touch them up or not (of course, I did photoshop some of mine because that’s the fun part :D).
It was a lot of fun and I am grateful for my family as they helped me. The girls agreed to be the subject of some of my photos. My husband had to be patient with me as I was taking a lot of pictures during our multiple-times-a-day walks.
I have no idea if I succeeded in this project because our teacher has yet to release any grade for this session (!!!). I hope I did well. It was a learning curve for sure. Shooting in manual mode, learning how to concretely create what I was seeing in my mind’s eye. But all in all, it was a great project. Shooting light paintings in long exposure was something I have never done in the past and it’s really a fun process!
My first session is almost finished now, and it’s the last part now. Every class asks us to create a “final project”. The thing is: almost all of them are done in groups. It is not that easy to do it when we don’t all have the same schedule and most of us work outside of our studies as well). I’ll share more with you once I am in my month-long pause from college.