One of my guiding Truths: Intention IS Everything. It is. In France, we have a saying that states: «It’s the intention that matters» (you can debate that into a philosophical debate, like «yes but even if you have good intentions regarding something, if the way you choose to actually get there is shady *or worse*, then is the intention what really matters in the first place ?) but that is not what it is about here.
In my Spiritual life, and for example as a Practical Reiki Master (a different branch of Reiki than the most known Usui original one), everything begins with an intention. Intention is like the seed from what everything else will grow from.
Intention is linked to visualization, both combined into what will help me to figure out what the action needed to get what I want is,
With years and experience, I noticed that yes, wishful thinking alone is powerless (maybe for now, but this is my current Truth).
Artwork created on my iPad Mini with Procreate and on my computer with Photoshop CS6. Fonts to write the “almost” and my name were created by Amanda from Kevin And Amanda