Kelly Warren
Name of business: Happy Shack Designs
Social media links:
Jewelry shop:
Art and photos shop:
Years in business: 7
Brief Bio:
An artist with a short attention span, I create work in artisan jewelry, fine art photography, mixed media, and book arts. I’ve also been known to sew a thing or two. I work full-time by day as the Director of Student Life and Leadership Development at a large four-year college in Florida, and am the lucky mama to wonderfully sweet eight-year-old twin red-headed daughters. I have been married to a handsome man of great patience who’s put up with my art shenanigans for 17 years now.
Success in business is defined as….
I think this is a very interesting topic, and I think it all depends on your goals and your outlook. For me, my art business is not my main source of income.
I have a pretty demanding full-time career in higher education on top of my art. So for me, success in my art business is simply finding the time to put a little bit of me out into the world for others to enjoy.
Would I love to be able to “quit the day job” and devote more time to my art? Absolutely, but I know that’s simply not a possible reality at this point in my life. So maybe for me, success in business is defined as knowing what my limitations are (time!) and embracing them rather than fighting them. Fighting them takes an awful lot of energy that could be better spent on enjoying the process instead.
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