I am so happy to share with your my first video for the ColourArte‘s Video Design Team. (scroll down to find the complete list of supplies I used for this project).
My daughter Mae (pronounced “Ma-eh” not “May”) turned 10 a few weeks ago and I really wanted to create a special card for her. And without knowing it, she put a little bit of pressure on my shoulders about it, often telling us how impatient she was to “discover the creative card” I would make her this year. You might know I am not a card maker, I lack the ideas and the talent but always have fun when I create some.
I use my favorite blank card base, from Strathmore. And then just went with the flow, you can see in the video that I made mistakes, changed my mind (several times) but it ended up just as I wanted (even if I didn’t know it when I started).
Primary Elements are art pigments mixed with shimmery mica powder, they are reactive with any water-based medium, which makes them very versatile. Here, I decided to use them with my Gelli plate in order to get a watercolor look.
Here is the supply list for this project (click on an image to get redirected to the product’s page):