Arrrrgh technology sometimes pisses me off ! I had already finished writing this article and wordpress disconnected me without a backup. So… I write it again.
I love synchronicity like that… I thought a lot about letting go last night, so I smiled when I saw today subject of Wishcasting Wednesday 🙂
Now that I wishcast for a few weeks (it’s been a few months I think), I can affirm you that it is really powerful. And the support of others, who wish with you and cheer you up, is really helpful. I am so grateful for it.
You’re not obliged to blog about it, but I sincerely suggest you to follow Jamie and to wish every week, to introspect deep within yourself about what is true for you, what is your heart telling you, and to send it to the Universe. You can write about it, in your journal for example, in your blog if you want to share, you can paint, draw, sculpt… anything you want to help you manifest your wish.
Letting go is a concept I work on for years and years, really hard. I have the believe that we have to create a positive thought but the next step is to just let it go in the Universe, that do what’s necessary about it. If we let the string attached to our mind, it can be a way (often uncounsciously) to say “I’m not confident for it to happen”. So it won’t happen.
That is my truth, it may not be an universal one but it is what I experience all the time.
Letting go is really hard, in my opinion.
The first thing that comes in my mind is: I wish to let go all my doubts. I am confident about who I am and about what I have to give to the World.