I love that my closest friends, who I call kindly my KindredSisters, are creative in a way or another. I love bouncing ideas and being inspired by them.
I am currently taking Mindy Lacefield’s Primitive Portrait class, as you may know already. She inspired this series of paintings. In this class, Mindy insists on the fact that less is more and this was perfect timing for me to explore a new way to do my faces, to go deeper into what they express and what I want them to convey. I am finally comfortable in how I paint them, which is huge for me. Huge.
While talking to another of my dear Kindred, Micki (aka The Secret Hermit), I decided to try to see a new mean of how I organize my focus (gosh, not sure this makes sense, I apologize in advance for this fibro flare-up induced blogpost). I have plenty of ideas regarding what I want to paint, but my attention span is low and so is my excitement about a project. So I will now try to determine a time length I want to dedicate to a specific series, share it, release it to the world as I am doing now, and then let it go to start something else. Beyond the Obvious is my April series, maybe a tad bit longer than that but not more than after the first week of May. It does not mean I won’t do other paintings in that style afterwards.
You know my Nixies all have a story to share, but I want to leave it open to each of you: what does they tell you ? What do you feel when you look at them ? I won’t share the stories I have heard while painting them, just their names.
Plus, you can see that there is no two like the other and it makes me so very happy because they still appeared intuitively and I did not try to fix them.
I will add more along the way but here are the first 8. They are all available in my Etsy shop. Click on each Nixie directly to be redirected to her Etsy page. (note: prints will be made available once the original painting has a new home).