Welcome on a new edition of my weekly ritual, Gratitude Friday (if you are not familiar with it, please go read how it came up and what it is about).
I know I know… I have not published a Gratitude Friday in a while. Well, practicing what I preach seems in order so here I am, hoping that you will jump on board with me and take a few minutes to rest in Gratitude 🙂 And I even publish this on a Sunday !
This week was our quarterly week of my Husband being in the US for a work trip. It has been like this for a while now, but despite everything it is not becoming easier, as it should.
This week, I am thankful for:
- Today being Friday, meaning a lot
- FaceTime with a Kindred
- Private messages with other Kindreds
- Cooking good healthy food
- Getting things done for my next class, TextureTales
- Hot bath
- Good books
- The first book I am published in has been released
- Looking at them while they sleep
- Time spent with friends
- Time spent in Vancouver itself
It is the little things, added together, that weave what makes it a beautiful life <3
What about you ? please, feel free to share