Welcome in this new {Inspired By} video. I had a blast channeling my friend Dori Patrick’s style into this painting I came to adore.
Dori and I met in California, at an art retreat. I remember Mindy telling me “My friends Dori and Consu are here, I know you will love them: they are amazing !”; she knew how meeting new people is making me nervous. And I have to confess, Mindy was right. I fell in a girl-crush for these ladies.
Dori came with her husband Kerry and they both are a gem. She brightens the room when she enters and every time I did pig tails with my hair, I thought of her 😉
Her art is very colorful and she uses words to make them even more powerful.
Enjoy the video:
I felt like coming home while doing this painting. Dori has a great sense of colors and patterns so I used my favorite Strumpet Stencils to add that little touch.
I played with transparency and opacity so my first layer would still show in some places.
I messed up the lettering, I am bad at it but do it anyway. That’s how I roll !
★★★ Is there any artist you’d like me to do an {Inspired By} video about ? ★★★
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