I am attached to every single one of my paintings this year. But there are some that I just can’t seem to let go and propose to you.
This is the case of Antonia, that I recently shared with you here. And this Nixie too, that has no name for now (she will share it with me later, I am not afraid).
It all began with a piece of round hardboard I found in my stash of stuff. Yes, I do rediscover things I had no idea where there… I covered it with scrapbook papers and tissue papers. I love adding crackle medium (I use the one from Kroma, which is local from here in Vancouver but can be found worldwide now). Once dry, I then I cleaned my palette from another painting on it, and it looked like this:
I really really wanted to use the technique taught by the amazing Mindy Lacefield in one of her online class, it became this (can you tell that at this point, I wass all lovey-dovey and could have easily left it like it was ? yes.):
I wish a picture could convey the amazingness that this step brought to the all thing. I ran my fingers over it, again and again (I am weird like that), finding the crevasses, the bumps of my signature texture that I created all around on the border, the cracks from the crackle media…
I sketched a little something I wanted to paint for my daughter’s room (it involves a unicorn, kind of) but for some reason I don’t know, it is not what appeared.
I am taking Willowing (Tam Laporte)’s class, LifeBook 2014, and this week is a lesson by another of my Kindred: Danielle Daniel. It inspired me so much that I decided to use this beautiful background instead of my journal.
I know she is FAR from being perfect, but I don’t mind. It does not bother me at all, in fact.