This week, Jamie asks us «What Dreams are you wishing for ?»
Dreams Dreams Dreams… today, everybody talk about cherishing our dreams, about living our dreams. About dreaming BIIIIIIIG because we can achieve anything. Dreams became a comon conversation matter in the Art and in the Well-Being communities.
Dreams are part of my everyday life. Since…. forever, they’ve always been there. Even when it was dark and I did not want to see them.
Some of them seem so HUGE that they make me dizzy. Some are smaller. But I love them all the same.
Thanks to Andrea from ABC Creativity, I started to record a list of 100 creative dreams. This is a lot and I am not there yet. But everytime I think of a new one, even a tiny one, I record it on my list. And when I feel discouraged, overwhelmed, i look at it and imagine all the possibilities that are waiting for me. I don’t know HOW it will happen, but I am SURE it will happen eventually. Trust. Faith. Courage. Perserverence.
I wish for dreams like….
* having someday my artwork exposed in a gallery.
* being a beta tester for a creative/art brand, receive products to play with, experiment, and review for them.
* finding a way to become a kind of art-therapist (knowing I can’t do the official training to be an art-therapist, i have to find an alternative way)
* having a real art studio to work in
* publishing my book (have to work on it) and make it a best-seller
* being published in a magazine
What Dreams are you currently nourishing ?
Photo by Nolwenn Petitbois, all rights reserved.