For more than a decade, I banished creativity from my life (the only form I did was cooking). It was not really a conscious choice, but I guess as many young adults, the result of thinking I simply can not draw, or whatever. And for me, it was all about being able to draw properly… realistically.
Oh was I wrong ! I guess we all carry these ideas about what creativity should be, what an artist does etc.
In the summer of 2008, I discovered Creative Journaling with a book from art-therapist Anne-Marie Jobin (she is in Québec, Canada). It is blending writing and collage and drawing in order to help us go through the hard moments of life, but also to help us in the discovery of who we truly are. This is how I got started again (after a failed attempt with oil paint).
This really was for me the starting point: from there, I wanted to know more about this way of healing and letting it out so I googled and found Suzi Blu, Tamara Laporte (aka Willowing) & Samie Kira on Youtube (thank you girls for the lessons, for the fun and for the Love you pour in your videos !). I got obsessed and watched video after video, eager to know more, to learn, and… eventually to try *you know how sometimes it is hard to go from theory to practice. yup. Fear is there again*.
I was creating just for me, sharing now and then on my blog (the francophone one) because I wanted people to discover it as well. Then I discovered Art Journaling, that is a bit different. It made me fall in love with painting and acrylic. It made my heart sing, all the possibilities and the tangible shift in how I was actually feeling. It was the way I found to help me cope, to rewrite the stories I could not hear myself telling anymore.
My style is a neverending experiment. Blending what I learn from others with what is natural to me. I have so many creative styles in me, I sometimes wonder if this is normal, what people would think of it (for example I create my Nixies who look like girls, my Sprixies who are creatures that do not exist in real life, but I am also drawn into abstract painting more and more as well, that come in my «Deep Beyond» serie now and then)
As of today, I still create. Almost everyday. I found my passion. What moves me beyond what I thought was possible (and as a passionate woman, trust me). And I really hope that sharing with the World what comes through me unto my paintings move someone as well, inspire, gives Hope somehow.
This is why, despite the sometimes very deep creative holes I fall into, I always rise eventually. I stand taller and taller, knowing in my guts that this is what is meant to be.