Gratitude Friday is a weekly ritual I started in order to focus on all the small and big positive things that happened during my week. I invite you to join me, you’ll see how much being thankful can change your life. If you want to know more about it, read my introduction post.
What a week !
Kind of weird I’d say, but full of all ranges of emotions. It makes me grow and I am more than thankful for this..
I can’t help but be amazed by what the Univers puts on my way, even if I don’t always understand it. I stopped over-thinking what happens, why sometimes the tears just go off my eyes as if my head is just too full of water and needs to let go (but now that I am writing it, I guess it’s because my head is too full of emotions, it needs to let go and tears are a good way of getting rid of it. I suppose): I take everything and everyone as it comes in my life, I bless it.
➱ Thank you for opening my eyes on something my Heart was longing to feel as my Mind didn’t want to listen: I needed to feel like I belong. Like I am not lonely anymore.
➱ Thank you for all the opportunities I notice, the windows that begin to open up in front of me.
➱ Thank you for all the beautiful souls gathered around Connie for her workshops, for what they bring to me, for what I offer to them back, for what I learn, for what these people give without counting. I know now what BOLD truly means.
➱ Thank you for all the Art Journalers from all over the world I talk to, on Twitter as well as on Facebook. It’s like a big giant family I belong to, even if people don’t know me yet. I am peeling my layers step by step by becoming fearless.
➱ Thank you for all the support I receive, and the cheering as well. I would never EVER have thought I’ll receive such a positive reception regarding my video. I am blown away and my heart is overflowing with Gratitude.
I rarely feel the power of Gratitude as intensely as I am feeling it now… I know that a lot of people are sceptics, think “it’s just another New-Age thing” or “it’s just positive thinking and nothing else”. Maybe. Maybe not. Whatever it is, I see everyday what positive it brings in my life and in others’ and for me, it’s just not an illusion. I absolutely don’t want to force anybody to have the same opinion as me though. I am digging deeper around Gratitude and how to explore it, enjoy it, soak in it.
If with this ritual I helped one single person to shift how (s)he see his/her life, I’d have done what I desired to do.
If you wrote your Gratitude Friday on your blog, don’t forget to enter your NAME and URL below so I’m notified and can come to read you (you can also join by commenting this post):