Hello !
I hope you all had a Valentine’s day filled with Love.
Sometimes though, I feel like I don’t belong anywhere, that people do not like me (and/or what I create), that all is just a giant facade we are all part of. And the darkness begins to make her way inside, again.
With time, I realized that fighting it is vain. Tiring. But going with the flow with the will not to be drowned helps to keep this sensation short. For me, at least. It was a huge lesson I learned the hard way because I used to let the darkness win.
Acceptance, again and again. It IS hard, isn’t it ?
Do not feel guilty for having negative thoughts running through you, because your thoughts are not necessarily you. And it happens to all of us.
You will think you landed in Fluffy Bunny land but I do feel that Love, self-love especially, is the answer. Love yourself and people will love you. I thought it was just a nice quote before experiencing it myself. I don’t say this is easy, because this is not. When it comes to body image and how afraid I am of what people may think of me, it is a permanent struggle. But it does get better.
Painting and art journaling is my way of pulling out everything. And I am currently in needs of working on my Dark Side. So this is the first thing that came out, and it is also the fourth painting for our 52 paintings in 52 weeks challenge (i love this so much !).
I will post a picture as soon as I can, I am currently experiencing internet issue on my laptop, where all my stuff is located.
Here is the video:
I hope you enjoyed (it is not the best quality and I am sorry about that. Dealing with Vancouver cloudy weather).