Hello Lovelies of the Universe !
Sometimes, ideas just pop in my head and it lights a bulb like «Why didn’t I think of it before ???». I am pretty sure it happens to you sometimes as well 😉 This is how this contest thing got started this morning.
You know I am looking for a general name for the girls I create. So people could say «Nolwenn’s *******» when speaking of them. Does it make sense ?
BUT I am not that good at finding names (my girls tell me their names while I am creating them). I had one in mind but it could be confusing so I decided I needed something else.
I am sure you are better than me. So here is the trick: Suggest me a name or two (remember, a general one) in the comments of this blogpost (not on Facebook or Twitter). On October 28th I will review tham all, hoping one is telling me «I am the oooooone» (lol). The person who will have suggested it will win a print of his/her choice in my Etsy Shop (and there are more to comes soon ;)) and maybe a little extra.
Sounds fun ? You can go extravagant, fun, but remember it will be kind of my Signature so something that can be pronounced lol
Good luck
PS: Here are a few of my girls, maybe it will inspire you (click to enlarge)