Welcome to this new Gratitude Friday !
I am happy that today is Friday, even though it seems there won’t be much rest during the coming weekend. It still means more time as a family unit, no stress to have both girls ready on time in the morning (one now has the school bus, the other bikes to middle school on her own).
Know your limits ? Try pushing them just that tiny little bit.
I know where my comfort lays when it comes to my creative processes. This is how I know where I am going outside my own edge. And with time, I learned to love venturing outside the walls I have built.
I invite you to explore outside your comfort zone, see what wonders you can create when you think it will simply end up in the bullshit pile. If only you knew how big my own pile is ! But that’s okay: you can always start over. You can always cover it up to make something else.
And there is no shame in going back inside the pretty bubble of what we know works for us, by the way.
This week, I am thankful for:
❇︎ Signing myself up for a fitness program for the days I am not going to Orange Theory with my husband
❇︎ Fall is here but the sky is still blue
❇︎ My best friend, Cocotte
❇︎ Exploring my creative edge and doing what scares me.
❇︎ The visit of my brother-in-law from France
❇︎ Words and Music and Texture and Colors
❇︎ Inspiration
❇︎ Possibilities and opportunities
Have you taken the time to reflect on your week and what goodness brightened it ? I would love to hold the joy for you if you share it in the comments. Let’s build a huge joy and gratitude bubble together.
Some Friday Musing: