Welcome to this new Gratitude Friday! Feel free to share with me your (partial or full) gratitude moments in the comments; that way I can hold joy for you ✿ (you know that makes me happy to make you happy).

I know I have been absent almost everywhere online. These past couple of months have been really difficult on a personal level. I usually deal by simply going silent… so this is exactly what I’ve done.
I have however been reading others 🙂 I know that silence is not the way to go, but this is what I know best and at least, this is not a hurtful coping mechanism.
Today, I am grateful for:
- Having scored tickets to see the Imax Halsey’s movie If I can’t have love, I want power.
- Having health insurance that covers treatments like acupuncture and naturopathy.
- Friends, old and new.
- The hummingbirds paying a visit to my flowers on a regular basis.
- Seeing the positive changes in one of my closest loved one.
- My oldest daughter finally being in Summer break after having to attend a math class at summer school.
- New music from artists I love (hello Billie Eilish and soon Halsey’s new album).
- Being able to rest when I need to (I won’t lie: this is still a struggle not to feel lazy).
- My husband who surprised me by ordering the Insta360 Go2 camera! I can’t wait to experiment and have fun with it 🙂
- Nourishment, whatever form it takes.
- Books, carving daily time to get lost in stories.

What about you? I invite you to share what you’re currently grateful for in the comments. There is power in sharing and holding space for each other.