(I told you yesterday I was in list making mode… I was not kidding)
Sugar & Spice was my first one. I’ve been dreaming of attending retreats for at least four years, but there was always something that came up and I could not go eventually. But you know how I do firmly believe that everything happens for a (good) reason, and there was no coincidence here (yes, I would have loved to be at least at one Artfest, but I am now okay that it did not happen for me; and for the other ones, I know it will work out).
Everything settled down perfectly for me to go in Port Townsend last week. My Mom is here from France, I had a ride with Nancy to get there, three of my favorite artists were the teachers, it was in Port Townsend WA so the closest place in the US from where we live… yes, there was stress in the process, but it all turned out perfectly.

Port Townsend, WA. June 2013
I learned a lot, not only about creative process, but about myself as a Woman, about myself regarding my place in my family, about myself as an Artist, about myself as a friend…
In this retreat, I learned that
- I really found my Half in my Husband and it’s hard to be without him.
- I belong to the water.
- My happy place is always found when I create.
- Wine is not that bad.
- No dream is too big to come true.
- Food is really a huge part in my life, still.
- Writing makes me go deeper and deeper within myself.
- Words and Images cannot go without each other in my artwork.
- Quirky is good.
- I think I’ve finally found my true calling.
- I can be understood by total strangers.
- Layers upon layers is what makes my heart sing
- I really want to cultivate the Happy. Everyday.
- I want to be successful, in my own definition of it {I needs to find my way, to let my people find me}.
- I have Stories to tell. That my Truths matter.
- My tears have their own purpose.
- Sharing needs to happen more often.
- Age is something that absolutely doesn’t matter in a relationship.
- Road trips make me happier.
- I am a true hugger. And I love it.
- I want to embrace who I am. 200%.
- Learning is another of my deep passions.
- My Soul longs for symbols. And that’s okay.
- My body is my temple, I need to honor it, to take a better care of it.
- I am a passionate person.
- I am longing for connections. In real life. Face to face. (but the internet is nice too).
- I can trust my gut feeling when I do feel that special something regarding someone. I’m not that crazy.
This truly was as life changing as I thought it would be.
I left feeling that growth spurt of my Soul, my heart bigger.