September 5th, 2012
It’s funny how a little change can make such a difference.
I changed my nostril piercing jewel at the beginning of the week. It was something I’ve been wanting to do for months but it was never the right time. I’ve ALWAYS had a gem, always; ok, the color was sometimes blue, sometimes a diamond but still. And for months now, I was talking with my husband about getting a ring. A simple small ring instead. Not something that would make me look like a bull (yes Mom, I know this is what you are/were thinking).
I am slowly but surely getting where I wanna be with my body. Making more or less important changes, taking decisions I have been avoiding, shutting up the voices telling me it’s pointless because I will never get there, because it’s too late now and that the damages are done. Opening the doors to the voices telling me that it’s okay to cry when I look at myself naked in the mirror, not recognizing this. I always say to my friends and to my close family «If you don’t like it, change it. Or stop complaining about it.» So here I am.
And this little change on my face means a lot more to me than it seems…