Name of Business: From Chaos ComesHappiness
Social Media Links:
Blog: www.fromchaoscomeshappiness.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/From-Chaos-Comes-Happiness/125848910797771
Shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/chaostohappiness
Years in Business: Approaching 1
Brief Bio:
Born,raised, and living in the Chicago land area, this happily chaotic soul is definitelya newbie in the universe of creative businesses. Last August, after 25 years inhealthcare, I was released from days of insurance and hospitals and I started listeningto my inner artist. My dream, From ChaosComes Happiness, was born. I’m not doing it alone, though, as my supportsystem is wide and deep with a husband who encourages me and two beautifuldaughters who inspire me. While I have a long way to go in this business ofmine, I’m determined to remain true to who I am, and stopping just long enoughto smell the roses along the way.
Success in business is defined as . . .
I’d love to say that success in business has only to do with following your dreams, and nothing to do with maintaining financial independence while doing it . . . but I wouldn’t be honest if saying that. In a perfect world; I would be able to sit in a studio from sun up to sun down, painting my heart away, as little blue birds flew in and out of my house, tending to the dishes, laundry and children. Of course, money would grow on the trees outside of my little studio and I would simply GIVE my art away to the hundreds lined up outside my door, as “selling” would be of no concern.
However, life is not always perfect. So, to my realistic creative soul, success in business is being true to my artistic thoughts and ideas, being able to produce and create my work, and selling my art to others in a manner that will offer greater financial stability to my family and myself. All while maintaining a healthy balance between my life and my art. That, to me, would be success.
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