Hello !
I noticed at the beginning of the week that the rate of talking on my fanpage is very very low. And my friend Lisa Wilson pointed out that it may be because of the changes Facebook made a few weeks ago. Which totally corresponds to when people stopped reacting. So if you noticed that you see a lot less people on your Facebook, this is the reason why !
It was said at the time of the changes were made but it seems that a lot of people missed the information. Now, your default setting is set so you only see the status of the friends and pages with who you interact the most.
Here is how to change this:
Go at the bottom of you homepage; it can take a few as facebook will automatically add more statuses. But then you will see this:
Click on “Edit options”. Then, a “Edit your news feed settings” window will pop up:
By default, it is on “Show posts from Friends and pages you interact with the most”, select the other option, and save.
And voilà, you are now back to normal and can see all your friends and pages you like updates again !
I also want to let you know that it seems like we are not noticed anymore when we receive pages updates… I had the surprise to find hundreds of updates I had no idea of by going there by coincidence… It is the second link under your profile pic, Messages -> Updates. Like this:
You may discover hundred of messages too…
I hope to see you there again dear hearts. I really miss your comments on Inner Voices fanpage ! (and if you are not “liking” it yet, you can easily find the link on the right column of this blog).
Love you.