Yea, I am an obsessive person. Not the compulsive obsessive type though.
My obsessions come and go. And sometimes come back later. Some will have a very short life with me, but others seem to stick around.
Geometric patterns (especially triangles)
I guess that the two aboves are intimately linked together in a greater picture: symbolism. There is something about Geometry (like Sacred Geometry) that triggers in me. Golden ration, sacred numbers, shapes, totem animals… for me it is all part of an Whole. And it’s always had a special place in my life.
Self-Portraiture has a HUGE place in my Spiritual practice, and in my personal growth.
It allows me to embrace who I am. To snap myself in a moment. To focus on how I feel in my body. To reflect it on a photo.
And a self-portrait can be so much MORE than a photo of a face. Really…
Soft color palettes
I usually paint in quite a bold palette of colors. But it’s been some time now that I am really attracted to softer, duller colors.
It is hard to get out of my comfort and go-to colors though (you know… the ones you pick without even really thinking, just because you love them so much and use them over and over… yup, these ones).
I am working hard on keeping these obsessions in control 😉
What are you currently dreaming about, this thing that crawls in your mind and you can’t stop thinking about it ? I know you obssess too 😀