This year, my month of April seems to focus on daily practice. I always start with the best intentions but run out of steam before the end. I don’t want this pattern to repeat itself, though.
I have two distinct projects this month that are really exciting!
Effy’s blog-along
Starting today, I will do my best to blog every day. I really wish to open a dialogue with you guys and that you’ll enjoy spending time here. Effy is hosting it and I am thankful for the push to at least try. This space means a lot to me, but Fear is often too loud.
I am learning that Love is Louder and that my voice matters.
Another thing I love about this blog-along is that I get to discover what other creative people have to say and give them some love as well.
The 100-Day Project
Starting tomorrow is the 100-day Project, organized by Elle Luna.
I picked doing an abstract painting on paper. No pressure, just joyful explorations of shapes and marks. It is about the intention that goes behind the scenes.
I will share on my Instagram feed daily, and invite you to follow my hashtag #100DaysOfAbstractExplorations