Why always feel like life needs to be big and filled with fireworks? I noticed how important it was to my actual well-being to consider all the little things. This is what I call my nuggets of joy, they are as essential as the bigger ones.
Since mid-June, I feel like I am unravelling and this is not pleasant at all. I wish I knew how to control my thoughts patterns and my anxiety. I take plant tinctures every morning but it is not enough. So my coping mechanism is to figure out three nuggets of joy on the moment. Whatever they are.
Because I work in the food industry and can’t wear any jewelry. I had to say goodbye to my nose ring and two months after, I am still trying to make peace with the fact that I am not wearing it anymore. There’s also the fact that I can’t get my septum pierced as planned either… which sucks.
I have a special thing for my wedding rings, I never put them off. Never. Once, when I was pregnant, I had to get it cut and cried at the jewelry store. I can’t wear them anymore… It’s just a physical mark of the commitment I have towards my husband and our life together. I hate being without it.
A few of my current Nuggets of Joy

Now that both my husband and I work outside from home, time as a family is reduced.
I do my best to make it the best possible with them even though the girls REALLY need to become more independent and learn to clean up after themselves.
This picture was taken early one morning, while we were walking the dog. This, right there, never happens. First, because it was really early and they’re still on Summer Break. Two, because they never agree to walk the dog, especially not at the same time. SO it truly was a treat for me.

Another strange daily joy is my early morning workout. Seven days a week, you’ll find me in our basement working out. I am currently doing a 100-day program that I am totally loving. Also, being part of an accountability facebook group that is filled with amazing supportive women (we found each other through our love for an author, how fun!) helps a lot.
Working out shows me that I can actually commit to something daily and that my body is not (always) my enemy.

Playing in my Art Journals is a stress relief I use as often as I can. Even if it is only for a few minutes in the morning, or on my days off. I am not looking for perfection or even to finish any spread. I go in there to process feelings, to have a little fun and to get it out… This is my therapy, right there.

On my days off, I love putting back some of my Sacred Adornments and dress as I feel like.
At work, I wear a specific jacket over my t-shirt so people know which department I belong to.
It might sound silly but not being able to be on the outside as I am on the inside is something that weighs heavily on my heart.
Putting some eyeliner and lipstick makes me me, as well.
What about you? do you cultivate this notion of finding the little moments in your life and cherish them as much as I do?