Hey guys !
I am so happy to finally share with you my video interview for the amazing class SoulFood that I am so proud to be a teacher in. It will be really special, I just can feel it. AND it starts in a week from today, woot woot !
I am currently working on my class, and I really hope you’ll like it. I am sharing what makes me happy in my TealStudio, what makes my heart sing loud and clear. I’ll share sneak peeks along the way.
I hope it will allow you to know me and my creative path a bit better (turn the HD on ;)):
One lucky reader can win a spot in the class. I open the giveaway from today, the 23rd, to next Monday, the 30th. The winner will be selected via a random generator.
To enter, share in the comments a cooking recipe you love, and why.
I hope to see you in the classroom ! More about the class on Mystele’s blog.
Thank you for an opportunity to win a spot! I really enjoyed your video for Soul Food. My studio is teal, too! well it’s a color I call turquoiteal 🙂 Thanks again!!
I’d love to win…there are so many amazing artists! 🙂
J’adore votre accent! I appreciate the opportunity to win a spot in Soul Food. Thank you! I think my favorite recipe right now is a creamy pumpkin soup that I eat almost every day for lunch. So simple and good. 1 15 oz can of chicken broth, 1 15 oz can of pumpkin, 1/2 c. of heavy cream, and spices to taste. I use curry, ginger, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Simmer and enjoy!
I was too excited and forgot my recipe!
I love to make shortbread for my friends: 1/2 c butter, 1/3 c powdered sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 c flour. cream butter until fluffy, add sugar, blend in flower and vanilla. Kneed dough until smooth, roll out into 8-inch circle, cut into 8 wedges and sprinkle. Bake at 350F for 18-20 minutes until golden brown. I love this recipe because it my friends love it so much and it gives me joy to make it for them 🙂
Thanks again for a chance to win:)
ooh, i’d love to a spot in the class and i’m so excited for you and your teaching journey!
i don’t like to cook but i have recently discovered that i am a pretty good, rustic pie maker. i also enjoy making gluten-free banana bread 🙂
Hi! Really loved your interview : also think that art can heal!
I think that SoulFood class have clearly so much GOOD CHEFS! Wish I’d be a part of it 🙂 Thank you for this giveaway!!
And now, a wonderful recipe for gourmand “the chocolate mousse squirrel.” I’m gonna do it for christmas (cause everybody ask me to do : they love it)
Melt 200g chocolate in a bain marie. Break 6 eggs, separating the whites from the yolks. Set the whites cool. Pour the melted chocolate into a bowl and add the egg yolks. Whip cream 10cl sprinkling of icing sugar (70g) when it begins to rise. Fold in chocolate. Beat the egg whites until stiff with a pinch of salt, then gently fold. Add 100g of broken Daim slightly. Divide the mousse into glasses and keep in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.
My favourite recipe at the moment is called “Really Good Chocolate Cake”, I am trying to be good and eat healthy but I just LOVE cake. This recipe is filled with lots of yummy goodness – so no guilt at all…
1 whole orange, 1/2 cup organic maple syrup, pinch of sea salt, 3 organic/free range eggs, 2 cups ground walnut or almonds, 1/2 cup good quality dark cocoa powder, 1/2 teas ground cinnamon, 1 teas vanilla bean paste or extract.
Steam orange for around 60 minutes until soft. Cool then chop up – skin and all. Place in food processor and process until smooth along with maple syrup, salt, vanilla then add the eggs and process again. Pout into a bowl and fold in walnut/almonds, cocoa and cinnamon. Place in a lined load tin. Bake for approximately 50 – 60 minutes until cooked through – test with a skew to check. Remove from oven and cool completely then remove from tin. Store for 1 week covered in the fridge. Enjoy…
Thank you so much for a chance to win a spot in this fabulous workshop, what a way to start 2014…
I would love the opportunity to win a spot. One of my favorite recipes is cheesy spaghetti. You cook the noodles, then layer noodles, spaghetti sauce, Italian herbs (basil, garlic, oregano, cilantro), cheese (combination of Italian blend and colby jack), noodles, spaghetti sauce, Italian herbs and cheese again in an oven safe bowl. Cook it in the oven until the cheese melts, stir and serve. It’s so yummy! Wendy
My family loves me to make homemade kettle-corn when we get together.
I make it on the stove…1/3 cup popcorn kernels, 4 tablespoons oil, 4 tablespoons sugar, and 8 drops of food coloring for color! After popping, I spread it on a cookie sheet and add salt. Family loves it!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
This class starts on my birthday! 🙂
Have already left a comment with my favourite recipe – but I just watched the video and your words were exactly what I needed to hear today and touched my heart! Thank you so much….
Oh, this is a wonderful opportunity! Thanks for the chance to win a spot! Our family’s favorite meal is my lasagna…and unfortunately I don’t have the recipe! It came on the back of the lasagna noodle box, and I always followed it, and then the company stopped printing it!! So when I make it, I just judge the amounts, but the winning ingredients are fresh noodles, a layer of cottage cheese and Parmesan cheese (between layer of noodles), and lots of cheese on top. Not a meal for the calorie-conscious, but oh so good! It’s our traditional Xmas Eve supper, before we travel around to families’ houses, distributing presents.
Merry merry!
I love this recipe because it’s fun and easy and can be used on any occasion to add intention to the festivities as well as yummy goodness by choosing the type of bagel and spices to match the energy you want to attract/embody. The below is appropriate for a New Year’s or Winter Solstice celebration.
Bountiful Bagel Chips
3 bagels (any flavor)
1/3 cup butter
1 tablespoon ground sesame
1 tablespoon garlic powder
Preheat oven to 350. Slice bagels into 1/4 inch disks. Melt butter, mix in seeds and garlic. Bruch each bagel slice with mixture. Place the slices on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for about 8 minutes, turn and bake an additional 7 minutes until crunchy. Makes about 6 dozen chips. Store any uneaten chips in air-tight container.
Thanks, Nolwenn….I would very much like to win a spot. My favorite color is sea blue-green, with splashes of magenta. Since my primary creative form is in music, and yes music does have a healing/transformative energy. I have come to feel that color and sound need to meet in my world. I want to learn how play with the two streams. Art journals and mix-media are new to me, although I have been a journal writer for many years. Please, check out an improvised piece “Inner Wise-Awakening” that I composed several months ago. I am attempting to find a way to bring my “sound and visual self” together. So this website is still in process. Recipe……hummm……I’m mostly into veggies; a favorite is sauteed broccoli, with garlic, mushrooms, celery, small cubes of tofu (corn, if in season), with (maifun), rice noodles. I usually sautee with coconut oil. I use extra virgin olive oil, or sesame oil when I mix the veggies and noodles. Other seasonings bit or oregano, Bragg’s herb “Sprinkle” and a bit of Bragg’s “Amino”seasoning to taste.
I love making and eating Pie. It’s my perfect soul food. Making pie is my therapy. I can’t wait till the class starts. I would love to win a space. So many wonderful artists teaching and sharing.
Oh, I loved your interview and would love to do the soul food class.
My fav receipe is a basic trifle… I love it’s simplicity and the fact that my young children can throw it together for a special occasion, just like our Christmas lunch today, and they are soooooo proud.
We use 1 sponge cake split in half and spread with strawberry jam. This is placed on the bottom of your best glass bowl and you cover it in tinned fruit. Cover that layer with custard, then cover with pre-prepared jelly (any colour). Lastly put a layer of whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate. Instant success and happiness.
Thanks for the chance to enter! Best wishes to everyone!
My recipe is for Waffle Berry Pudding – it’s actually one of those free ones you get when you host a Pampered Chef party but has become a firm family favourite over the years 😛 Gorgeous both hot and cold.
Waffle Berry Pudding
2 packets (240g each) Sweet Waffles
300g Frozen Raspberries
200g Bar of White Chocolate (Broken into squares)
55g/2oz Caster Sugar
15ml/1Tablespoon Plain Flour
570mls Soured Cream (or you can kid yourself you are being healthy and use low fat creme fraiche *g*) (2 Cartons)
3 Eggs
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
Preheat Oven to 200°/ Gas Mark 6
Cut the waffles into small squares and put half in the bottom of a deep dish. Layer ½ the fruit on top and then ½ the chocolate.
Layer remaining waffles and then the fruit and then the remaining chocolate.
Whisk together the cream, eggs and vanilla essence.
Combine with the flour and sugar.
Pour evenly over the waffle mixture.
Allow a few minutes for it to sink in.
Bake for approx half an hour until golden and set in the centre.
Leave to stand for 10 mins.
Sprinkle with icing sugar or grated white chocolate.
Thank you for the chance to win Nolwenn. I’m lucky enough to have a spot in class (Can’t wait! Can’t wait!) So if my name is picked I would like to nominate my friend. Loved your interview and totally agree with you about texture. Love it.
Hi Nolwenn, I enjoyed your interview 🙂 My favourit-est of foods is roasted vegetables – they can then be eaten as they are (yum), made into soup (yum yum) or used to make a roasted vegetable lasagne (yum yum yum!!!). I can’t get enough of them 😀
Thank you for the chance to win a spot in this class, it looks so amazing.
Wow! I really love your video 🙂
You are such an inspiring artist for me!
The cooking recipe I love is the Healthy Cookies from Skinnytaste (http://www.skinnytaste.com/2013/02/healthy-cookies.html) I just love cookies and I know that I can eat a lot of those cookies cause they are healty!
Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂
One of my favorite recipes is Taco Soup!! In a crockpot you throw in 2 lbs cooked beef, 2 cans corn, 1 can pinto beans, 1 can black beans, 1 can kidney beans and a can of diced tomatoes with chilies in it. you fill it almost full with water and mix in 2 packets of taco seasoning and 2 packets of ranch seasoning. Then you just let it simmer until it is nice and hot. It so good especially in the winter with some fresh cornbread! It truly warms the soul. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a spot in this class!!
Kristin ([email protected])
Oh c’est merveilleux ! Merci pour cette entrevue 🙂 J’ai bien aimé en apprendre plus sur ton cheminement. Une recette que j’adore faire c’est du Cake aux bananes et chocolat ! C’est juste trop délicieux et réconfortant quand on veut faire un moment coconing le soir d’hiver. Un grand merci de nous donner une chance de gagner un espace dans cette classe. Bonne chance à toutes ! Je te glisse la recette :
Cake aux bananes et chocolat
3 tasses de farine tout usage non blanchie
1/2 tasse de cacao
2 c. à thé de poudre à pâte
1 c. à thé de bicarbonate de soude
1 tasse de beurre non salé, température pièce
1 tasse de sucre blanc
1 tasse de cassonade
2 oeufs, température pière
10 ml d’extrait de vanille
5 bananes mûres, écrasées
250 ml de lait de babeurre
1 1/4 de pépites de chocolat
Placer la grille au centre du four. Préchauffer le four à 180 °C (350 °F). Tapisser trois moules à pain de 23 x 13 cm (9 x 5 po) de papier parchemin en le laissant dépasser sur deux côtés. Beurrer les deux autres côtés. Dans un bol, mélanger la farine, le cacao, la poudre à pâte et le bicarbonate. Réserver. Dans un autre bol, crémer le beurre avec les sucres au batteur électrique. Ajouter les œufs, la vanille et mélanger jusqu’à ce que la préparation soit homogène. À basse vitesse, incorporer les bananes, puis les ingrédients secs en alternant avec le lait de babeurre. Ajouter les pépites de chocolat. Répartir la préparation dans les moules à pain. Cuire au four environ 55 minutes ou jusqu’à ce qu’un cure-dent inséré au centre de la pâte en ressorte propre, mais légèrement nappé de chocolat fondu.
*Astuce : Quand la bonne odeur du cake se fait sentir c’est qu’il est temps de vérifier la cuisson et normalement c’est le temps de sortir le tout et laisser refroidir avant de démouler.
I truly enjoyed your interview. I love your passion for teal, I feel the same way about purples and blues. I would love to win a spot in the class.
The recipe I leave you with is one from my childhood. For me, it is comfort food. It is one of my favorites because it brings me back to a simpler time. I do not know what it was called in my mother’s cook book that she had and I have long since adapted my own way of making it. I simply call it Cheeseburger Casserole.
Cheeseburger Casserole:
1 pound of ground beef
1 small onion chopped
1-2 cloves of garlic chopped (optional)
1 16oz + 1 8oz can of tomato sauce (I use Hunt’s.)
1 16oz bag of wide egg noodles
3 cups of shredded cheddar cheese (divided)
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Cook noodles to package directions, drain and set aside.
Saute onions (and garlic if using) in a skillet in a bit of butter and olive oil.
When onions are softened, add in the ground beef. Cook beef through until no longer pink,
drain off any excess fat.
Stir in the cans of tomato sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a simmer and remove from heat.
Combine the meat sauce mixture, the egg noodles and 2 cups of the cheese. Mix until well blended.
Place in a large casserole dish (9×13 works well). Spread evenly, then top with remain cup of shredded
cheese. Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes.