You know me, I love making list. I love reflecting (back, forward and all that is in-between)
The longest night of the year has come, we celebrated the Winter Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter begins, it is the beginning of the season when we go deeper and deeper into ourselves.
A year ago, I picked a guiding word for 2015. Devotion. It was not just for my business but I did pour a lot of it this year, more than any other year (but more on that in another blogpost).
This year has been full of valuable lessons, I am the kind of woman who used to be very different from who I am know (and I am thankful for the changes, as they are beautiful).
Ask. Believe. Receive.
Knowing what you really really desire is key. How does your business feels like when it meets your definition of “success” ? This past year, I noticed that I can plan all I want, but the most important is how I want to feel.
I am a big advocate of positive and creative visualization. This is a tool I use more or less intuitively: I see in my mind what I want to happen, what I desire, and bring the how it makes me feel to it, which is essential to make it work (again). What they say is true: you need to feel as if what you desire already is your reality. I don’t say it’s easy, especially when you are new to that kind of things (and I totally accept that I might sound totally woo-woo).
And be open. It’s good to know exactly what you want, but sometimes the “how” is not what you have in mind. Surrender to what is, because you set it in motion but then, it is not up to you anymore. And this is not for those of us fans of instant gratification (even though, the results are sometimes surprisingly quick !).
It’s okay to ask for help.
Yup. And most of the time, it makes me think I am too vulnerable, that I should be able to figure things out by myself, but no; not always. This is just something we (I) need to accept more easily. I have sought guidance from friends, from other artists and even decided that it was okay to go for it when a creative mentor and then a spiritual mentor showed up on my path.
I learned that I do not have to do it all on my own. I ask assistance to my husband more often, he is good with WordPress and other stuff that I know but do not excel at as he does, he really is a blessing. He also help when I feel overwhelmed and under-appreciate what I do. My Mom is a phone call away, always, despite the 9-hour time difference that separates us.
Having a good support system makes the creative life less lonely, even if I am aware I am not good with people in real life. They scare me (there, I said it out loud on the internet). Yes, even people I do go along with. Some wounds take longer to heal than other, and leave deeper scars…
Have goals, even huge ones.
And never doubt them. However, it’s okay if they shift and change, and even if you realize this is not something you want to accomplish/experience anymore. Remember however that when it gets scary, it means you have things to work on to make it good.
Baby steps are what I do because I tend to get overwhelmed easily. Pretty easily (and this is when having a support system comes in very handy as well, trust me on that).
What I do now is I go backward: I start with the goal and then decompose, and then cut it in even more steps. It does not mean it will take longer to reach because some of these steps can be done done done. But I believe in dreaming and in the power we have to find the resources we need to accomplish anything. We need to learn patience (hmm hmm).
Plan. Plan and plan again.
Maybe it is the Virgo in me, or not. But I need to plan ahead, even if it is on a weekly basis. Making a list of what needs to be done and how to get there is essential for me not to stare blankly at my computer when time comes to write here on the blog, to send you guys a new edition of Inner Whispers (that will be shorter and a bit more frequent in 2016).
Now that business planners for creative are all the rage (I am personally using this one, and love it), it should be easier to find one that fits your needs, or to simply create a system that works for us. We all are different and have difference expectations and ways of working, so what is perfect for me might not be for you, but I invite you to look into it. I also have a weekly sticky planner in my Studio, that I can refer to when needed.
Do what works for YOU ! and I would love to know more about what you learned in 2015 if you are trying to make a living from your art. What lessons are you taking with you for 2016 ?
Eloquent post about looking both backwards & forwards.
Thanks a lot Tammy !
Nolwenn recently posted…2015 in hindsight: what I learned as a solo-preneur