Welcome on a new edition of my weekly ritual, Gratitude Friday (if you are not familiar with it, please go read how it came up and what it is about).
I am happy this week is over ! Or well, almost.
Some days, I want to simply go straight to it without lingering too much on everything else.
This week, I am thankful for:
- Homemade fresh food. Mom and I made our own vegan cheese. Baguettes. Pizza…
- A day in the city (aka Vancouver) with Mom.
- Good japanese food.
- New crystals.
- Art, both creating mine and being inspired by others’
- Having set the wheels in motion toward releasing my Nixies from my 365 Nixies project.
- My closest friends.
- New possibilities, both personally and in my creative life.
- Trust.
- Tears.
- Releasing in a hot bath, letting it go.
- Cuddles
- The rays of sunshine piercing through the dark grey clouds.
- Being openly vulnerable in this blogpost.
What about YOUR Gratitude list ? what are 3 things that come into your minds if you let the question sink a little ? Share in the comments if you feel like it (the power of sharing is very strong, don’t be shy.)