Gratitude Friday is a weekly ritual I started in order to focus on all the small and big positive things that happened during my week. I invite you to join me, you’ll see how much being thankful can change your life. If you want to know more about it, read my introduction post. I know I am kind of late but… we are still in 2010 here in Vancouver. This year was very full for me and I leave it with a sense of accomplishment (“achievement” was my 2010 word, so it’s a good thing !). I learned A LOT during this year and feel stronger than when I left 2009 a year ago. This may be a long boring blogpost, with many links. I hope you’ll read until the end but won’t be upset if you don’t. Over all, I hope you’ll share with me what you are grateful for in 2010, even if it’s one or two things π In this end of 2010, I want to thank the Universe for:
- Putting wonderful people on my way: Jamie Ridler (and my Sisters from the Circe’s Circle), Connie Hozvicka (and my Sisters from BIG and The Tribe), Samantha Kira, Jo Anna Rothman, Lynna, the ladies always coming to support my Wednesdays Wishcasts… I don’t want to list everyone but you are in my heart.
Allowing me to push my borders a lot further; by taking on line classes that totally changed my life (I’m thinking of Kelly Rae’s “Taking Flight“, of the classes created by Connie over DirtyFootprints Studio, of the creative coaching by Jamie, of the Receiving Project of Jo Anna, of the painting classes of Julie Prichard (and Chris Cozen)). And the two days workshop put my way on my 25th birthday with Jesse Reno. It changed everything for me. And today, I’m proud to say out loud: I AM AN ARTIST. And I am Fearless. And Magnificent. Yes I am. You are too.
- My mom came in Vancouver during 5 weeks this summer, and we were able to celebrate her birthday. Her presence was needed, we miss her deeply. It was perfect.
- My brother-in-law came back for two weeks and was with us to celebrate Grenouille’s 5th birthday. We hope he’ll come every summer.
- Our new home, we are still renters, but it’s bigger, better. Our neighbours are very kind people.
- My book is finally taking serious shapes. Thanks to Circe’s Circle I have better bases to go on, to find what I need.
- Grenouille is happy to be able to read by herself, faster everyday. And to write. She’s an everyday wonder (despite the fact she prefers to read than to eat and that it’s a worry for us).
- Koala is always cuddling with me, she’s more and more independant and loves preschool. She wants to be 5 to go to “the big school” too (she’s nearly 4).
- My husband finally got his dream job in the video games industry. He works a lot, and hard, but is happy now. It was worth waiting and dreaming.
- I painted some artwork that totally WOWed me like “is it really me that created this ?”. Yes it is; and I love them. And my goal for 2011 is to feel this way for every mixed media artwork I create, and to make people feel “this is what I needed to see”. I don’t know if it makes sense or not.
For the abundance around me; it was not easy everyday but we (my husband and I) got this click about what was blocking us from prosperity (not only financial one) and it changed everything.
- For my partnership with Hay House and the books and material I receive to review.
- For my sewing machine, that opens lots of new creative possibilities in the future.
- For the friends I lost. They are still in my heart someway. I learned I can’t force (but it was not on purpose) people to see the things the way I do.
- Donna Downey’s weekly Inspiration Wednesday’s videos.
- All the wonderful books I read. It fuels my creativity. We have more and more authors writing amazing books.
- The love of my dear husband. We celebrated our 7 years of love, and our 5 years of marriage. We are stronger each year. I am blessed to have such a man by my sides every day.
- Some friendships became stronger this year (I love you Alice, Paola, Sophie, Cocotte, Melchi).
- Good tv shows, good movies and good music. And good restaurants too.
- Cooking that made a come back in my favourite_things_to_do list.
- Living in this gorgeous city we chose to immigrate to, Vancouver. It’s not always easy without family around with young kids, it’s not easy to make friends. But we have zero regret about our choice.
And so much more. This year has been hard sometimes, but it was kind of a good one. My evolution is on its positive way. 2010 was harsh, energetically speaking; we had to let go off of deep fears, we had to make significant choices. But we are getting closer to the realisation of our dreams so don’t be afraid to wishcast. You’re listened and not forgotten. I love you, take a good care of yourself and your loved ones. If you wrote your Gratitude Friday on your blog, don’t forget to enter your NAME and URL below so I’m notified and can come to read you (you can also join by commenting this post): [linkme]