You know why I love Connie (from Dirtyfootprints Studio) ? Partly because she always has giganormous ideas.
Her next workshop was announced this week, it’s called “21 secrets, an art journal playground”. Why 21 ? because there will be 21 teachers, each one having its own workshop about art journaling. Do you believe this ????? You pay for ONE worshop and you get TWENTY-ONE !!! (sorry, i’m still jaw-dropped).
And trust me, it’s just too exciting.
The registrations open on Monday September 20 (yeaaaaaaaaaaah it’s my birthday this day), but the workshop will start officially on October 1st.
Here is the list of the teachers:
Andrea Schroeder :: ABC Creativity
Angelia Thompson :: Angelia’s Art Journals
Connie Hozvicka :: Dirty Footprints Studio
Dawn Sokol :: D’Blogala
Effy Wild :: Wild. Precious
Emma Peabody :: Treehouse Jukebox
/Hanna Andersson :: iHanna’s Blog
Heidi Newstrand-Dilley :: Heidiology
Jonathan “Blade” Manning :: The Artistic Biker
Kelly Warren :: Artful Happiness
Less Herger :: Comfortable Shoes Studio
Lis Hofmann :: Dandelion Seeds and Dreams
Lisa Wilson :: Life Unity
Mariza :: Marizateria
Natalie Malik :: Awkwardly Beautiful
Paula Phillips :: Journal Artista
Samantha Kira Harding :: Journal Girl
Sarah Whitmire :: Caspiana
Spooky :: The Paper Phantom
Tami Chacon :: Dream Wish Hope
Tracie Hanson :: My Blooming Life
I can’t hardly wait. i don’t now yet how it will exactly be organized but I know they’re all working very very hard to give us the best. We’ll have videos, PDFs, MP3s… Imagine ? For $59.
I don’t know everyone, some are just “names” for me at the moments, others are friends. But it will be just amazing to learn such different areas to play in the Art Journal ! It’s just too much goodness, don’t you think ? We’re so lucky !
I always wanted to be a student of Samantha, I can’t wait to see what Lisa Wilson has in store for us, to create doors and windows in my journal thanks to Paula, Andrea is such a positive inspiration… I want to learn from all of them.
And you know what ? You may be curious about my blogpost title… Connie is giving away not one, but two spots for this 21 secrets workshop ! if I win, I’ll have the chance to do a giveaway here so you’ll also have the possibility to win. Isn’t this gorgeouuuuuuuuuuuuus ??? It’d be an awesome birthday present for my 25th birthday, a good celebration 🙂
I hope to see you on the playground 😉