By the 4 winds is a project I do with other women in our Journals. One subject, several points of view. If you want to know more about it, go there.
Hello !
This time, it’s back for good (I hope so). It’s already the 13th week of our challenge, a little bit more of three months. I was not really a good host during summertime but it’ll change.
This week, the random subject was EMOTIONS. Quite vague and allows a lot of possible interpretations.
This page was not aimed to be part of the By The 4 weeks challenge when I started it last week. I just wanted to play with the cheap Crayola water paint (yes, the same that we bought to my daughters for their art journals; I loved it so much that i spent $4 for having my own). And yesterday, while thinking of this theme, the page became obviously THE page for this week.
I then coloured the face, rework quickly the hair and the text just imposed himself to me.
So this page didn’t take me long to create but I really like what came out. My intuition took over me, creativity just drove my hands. For once, I didn’t ovethink it.
The texte says “Acknowledge every emotion you experience as it serves a greater purpose“.
I am over-sensitive. I used to hide it the best i could because for me, it’s caracterised by a flow of tears. Every single strong (for me, which is totally subjective) emotion brings tears. And it tends to destabilize people (which I can totally understand). But always explain “no, I’m not crying because I’m sad” is exhausting, and usually people just don’t (want to) understand.
Until not so far ago, it was really a heavy burden. But now, I see it as a blessing: at least, the emotions I feel are there, I can’t deny them, and my body expulses them so they don’t eat me alive.
It’s important to acknowledge what we feel (as well as what we think), even if it lastes three seconds. Thus, we can decide to shift them for better.
We are often affraid of our emotions. Affraid of what they can say of us to others. But we are not out emotions. They can go through us without sticking on our Soul. We can grab them and chase them. We can shift them. That’s why I say it’s important to take time to look directly at it, and to try to understand. But yes, sometimes it’s just too scary. And it’s okay to feel the fear.
Don’t let these “negative” emotions take control, let them flow on you without penetrating your heart. But drown yourself in all the positive feelings you can experience, and think about these ones when you realize you’re not feeling as well as you’d like to.
Here is what Sofiah created about our Emotion theme.
Click on the picture to enlarge it.
Click on her name above to be redirected on her blogpost -but it’s in French, so you can translate it using Google translate; just paste the link.
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