Something I keep trying to practice is consistency. Doing something daily so it becomes a habit. I think I have never been able to stick to a project this long (the longest I have done was 80 days of a fitness and nutrition program).
I discovered Elle Luna through her book, The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion. Every year, Elle organizes a 100 Day project, inviting anyone who desires to participate. Each person picks something

Because I have an end goal in mind, I decided to focus on creating small abstract paintings. If you have not watched it yet, check my video regarding my current favorite art supplies to discover the paper I will be using for this project.
I will mostly be using acrylic with other media. I don’t want to put any pressure on my shoulder. It’s okay if I don’t have a finish piece at the end of every day.
What about you? Have you ever done a project like this, committing on creating a practice for a set amount of time? I would love to know about it 🙂