Welcome to this new Gratitude Friday! Feel free to share with me your (partial or full) gratitude moments in the comments; that way I can hold joy for you ✿ (you know that makes me happy to make you happy).
Is it Saturday afternoon yet? This week has been filled with plenty of overtime hours at work and it feels like it will never end. But I am proving to my boss that I have potential so, it’s what matters. Gaining confidence to avoid another anxiety attack (which the past three weeks have seen plenty of).
My body decided to shut down and go full on fibromyalgia flare… but it is not a surprise and I manage it as best as I can.
This week, I am thankful for:
- The possibility to take a cab to work when the sky is absolutely breaking loose and taking my bike is out of the question
- I am improving at work
- I made a cute mini art journal (see on my Instagram)
- My video for next week is filmed
- My butt is shaping up (yay biking to work!) and I am losing weight
- I finally start seeing myself doing my job for a longer period of time
- Decisions made about our home
- Sleep
- Epsom cream to put on my shoulder blade