Welcome on a new edition of my weekly ritual, Gratitude Friday (if you are not familiar with it, please go read how it came up and what it is about).
What a week full of hope and celebration and despair. Yes, all of that, and even more. We (my husband and I) are sleep deprived, stress induced and my head is in a constant state of throb.
But this week, I am thankful for:
- Plan B-s that work and gave us a little bit of peace of mind
- Selling our townhome quickly
- Having my Husband and my Mom always anchoring me
- The life ahead of us
- Songs that do not belong to my own faith but still strike a chord (listening to Hillsong Worship)
- Sleep when it happens
- Knowing, like in my guts, that everything will eventually work out magically (with a lot of work)
- Focusing on the here and now
- New opportunities
- Meaningful clothing
- Hot baths (always)
What about you ? Do you use Gratitude to mend your heart ? What are you thankful for right this moment ? do no overthink it, let it fuel your Soul <3