In cleaning and tidying mode, my Mom arrives in two days for three months with us.
I’ve been looking for help in our parenting. I know there are some stuff we desperately need to change, automatic negative responses that need a shift.
I discovered that 1-2-3 Magic book through Kelly Rae Roberts Instagram (thank you) and after some research about it, talking with my Husband, we decided to give it a go.
I really want to believe it’s not too late to change. And to become better parents. For the kids, and for us as well.
I also decided to go further in my knowledge for running my shop and boosting my career.
It’s been more than four years now since I’ve really worn contacts instead of my glasses.
I learned at my last eye doctor visit that one of my eye has astigmatism. And so when I went to order contacts, I was told I can’t wear color contacts anymore because of this (I even need a special ordered contact for that eye apparently) … which sucks because I love wearing grey ones.
Anyway, I am getting used to my face without glasses again (and that we can now actually see when I have make-up!).
I ordered weeks worth of pictures to get up to date in our Project Life album. Happy to get back to it. And I’ll finally be able to introduce it to my Mom.
What’s currently happening in your World ?