Today is the day I turn 29. Well, with the 9 hour time difference (I was born in France), I was officially born on the 19th, but it is okay to celebrate for two days, right ?
There is so much hope for this new personal year. So much dreams I wish to fulfill, or at least to jumpstart. So much love to spread.
28 was not an easy year but I lost 12kgs (± 26lbs), I’ve been letting go of some heavy blocks, I am integrating my spirituality back into my life and owning who I am, my husband and I celebrated 10 years of love for each other… so much love to be spread around.
However, I need to continue to learn to take it at my own pace and that this actually is okay to seem slow.
Je me défais enfin de certains blocages, je renoue avec qui je suis et donc avec ma spiritualité, j’ai fêté mes 10 ans d’amour avec mon mari… Tellement d’amour à partager. Cependant, je veux enfin être ok avec le fait de faire les choses à mon rythme même lorsque cela me paraît lent et que je voudrais desespérément que cela aille plus vite.
Welcome, 29.
At 29, I wish to connect more with my Kindred Sisters, face to face when possible.
At 29, I want to be near the water more often.
At 29, I desire more peace in my Soul, and more peace in my home.
At 29, I wish to spread love on a constant basis.
At 29, I strive to be happy inside and out.
At 29, I make rituals and prayer part of my daily practice.
At 29, I will finally open myself up more to guidance.
At 29, my art will take new heights and reach many many places.
At 29, I let my True Self shine and be seen.
Welcome, 29.