Welcome on a new edition of my weekly ritual, Gratitude Friday (if you are not familiar with it, please go read how it came up and what it is about).
Hey guys ! How are you doing ? This weekend is a holiday for us here in Canada as we celebrate Thanksgiving. We don’t have any plan and eating some turkey does not really make me happy (so we just… won’t). However, I will spare you the very very long list that would happen if I was to share with you what I have been thankful for the most since last Thanksgiving (I can hear your “hooraaaaays” all the way from where you are ! ahah).
This week, I am thankful for:
- Surviving another 1.5h driving lesson (it tends to heighten my stress level quite a bit)
- Having my husband working hard on my business’ behind the scenes
- Getting the chance to create project videos for a brand like ColourArte
- The unexpected things written by my father in the letter I received from him
- Baking our own bread (we made baguettes). Crazy how easy and fast it actually was…
- Not too much rain
- Not too much pain
- Facetime with a Kindred
- Texts with my BFF
If you are in Canada, how are you celebrating Thanksgiving ? Not being North American by birth etc, it is not something we celebrate in France or that has the real meaning it should.