My creative process picked me, not the other way around. I experiment a lot, play around with how to get to specific results until I enjoy it.
I do get stuck

Frustration is something I have a really hard time dealing with. Whatever the cause of said frustration is, by the way.
However, when it comes to frustration within my process, I noticed something important: it is when frustrated that I get to become even more creative. How to get out of the block? How to improve this skill? It forces me to go beyond and eventually it feels great.
I learned to walk away. Let it sit for a while (sometimes, it takes me WEEKS to find a solution). This is also why I work on several artworks at the same time (and because I do not enjoy watching paint dry).
A lesson in surrendering
Painting intuitively might be a different experience and process for everyone. It is not easy to explain but putting it into words helps me see clearer.
I let my intuition run the show, but there is an intention behind every brush stroke I make. I am not just flicking paint around randomly, hoping it will create a masterpiece (if only!?). Intention has a big place in my creativity. Every piece starts and ends with intention. I might pick colours and patterns following these Inner Voices, but I know my stuff to make it work, too.
I firmly believe that when I create, I reach a state of consciousness that I can only access then. I may sound crazy, but that’s okay. I listen to the painting, what it wants, which patterns/colours/energy. I rely on it to go layer by layer.
I don’t say it is a straightforward process, because trust me: it is not. But this is how I do it, right now. It will probably evolve, because everything is always in motion.