Gratitude Friday is a weekly ritual I started in order to focus on all the small and big positive things that happened during my week. I invite you to join me, you’ll see how much being thankful can change your life. If you want to know more about it, read my introduction post.
Hello !
I hope all of you celebrating Thanksgiving in the US had an amazing time with your families.
This week, I am thankful for:
- The new order of candles from ZenaMoon I received today. My favourite one ? “Get off your butt”
- The encouragements about the launch of my Nixies Subscriptions’ packs.
- My family tree has growing branches… I have a big sister. Always knew she existed, now she has a name and a face and this is the beginning.
- My creative juju is back despite the pain. I have been quite productive this week and ooooooooooooh it feels good !!!
- My lunch today, perfect comfort food to me (if you wanna know, I cooked sushi rice, I ate it with grilled salmon, a bit of furikake, and half an avocado).
- My mom is helping me like crazy, with the home, with my work (she is much a better sewer than I am).
- Monster energy drink, zero calorie.
- I miss my Art Journal, I put apart all the pages, taped them together, bound them with a coptic binding method but as there are a lot of pages the binding is quite weak. So I need to reinforce the spine, and to figure out how.
- I watched Heidi Swapp episode on My Craft Channel about making a scrapbook calendars. It is simple, I think we will give it a try.
- I am going to have a date with my husband. Movie and restaurant just the two of us. Thank you Mamounette.
- My dear friend Alice posted this Koala photo on her facebook wall, totally made my day
Oh, did I tell you I am having a sale on Inner Worlds ? Enter the code THANKS2011 at checkout and get 15% off your order. Yep
If you wrote your Gratitude Friday on your blog, don’t forget to enter your NAME and URL below so I’m notified and can come to read you (you can also join by commenting this post):