At the end of 2018, I had this gut feeling telling me that 2019 would be a turning point in my life. That it would pretty much feel like Flight or Fight in many areas of it. And so far, this has been true… Many decisions to be taken, choices to be discussed. About the mundane and sometimes more life-altering.
Do you have a guiding word for 2019?
Being unapologetic in being me

This year, my husband decided that I will find my way back to my Self. And it comes to being outside how I feel inside.
I sometimes feel like I am schizophrenic because there are SO many sides of my personalities, sides that don’t necessarily make sense put together.
I have not straightened my hair for years now, wearing them au naturel instead. With the fibro, it’s very hurtful on my shoulders to keep up but that is part of me owning my heritage. However, sometimes I like actually being able to DO something with that mass of hair. My daughter spent 3 hours flat ironing my hair earlier this month; we put Queer Eyes on Netflix, chatted and laughed and I am very thankful for her asking me if she could do this for me.
I am also getting more unapologetic in the time my body and my soul need to rest, fully and deeply. It means being less productive in a way, but I realized that it’s a lie: I am more productive when I am rested.
Being unapologetic within my creative practice

Since the beginning of April, I started the 100 Day challenge and I have not painted a Nixie in a while. I sometimes feel like I am abandoning them but I know in my guts this is temporary. Nixies keep showing up in my mind but they want to come out as big as possible and right now, that’s just not an option… I don’t have the room for them. By the way, I have a lot of them coming in my new shop in the next few weeks but you can check my Etsy shop and my new shop already, maybe one is calling your name and you just don’t know it yet 😉