Welcome on a new edition of my weekly ritual, Gratitude Friday (if you are not familiar with it, please go read how it came up and what it is about).
Yes… thank you wine. For making the world around a bit lighter, even temporarily. See, I am French, so wine is supposed to kind of run in my veins… but my DNA must have missed this memo because at now 29, I have been sometimes desperately trying to enjoy the taste of wine. The issue is I can’t take any thing bitter and this is why I enjoy only sweet wines like Moscato… but I try (and just so you know, I can’t stand beer or coffee either. yep). so when I do find a wine I like, it’s WIIIIIIIIIIIIIN 😀
This week, I am thankful:
- Webcam with Mom
- Blue skies
- My morning walks
- Time spent with my Kindreds
- Knowing my art (typo, I actually typed «heart») is going a bit everywhere in the world.
- Anticipating the classes brought to the world by my Kindreds Mindy and Micki, they both are amazing teacher with a style on their own that blows my mind every single time.
- Honey is coming home tonight after being away all week on business trip
- Music
- Studio time
- Self-portraiture as a healing too
- My tight support system
- Soul Care
- Filming my creative process to share on my Youtube Channel.
It might seem like being a lot because the list has several items, but they are simple things, and these are the things I remind myself that exist and happen to make it easier when everything seem so damn hard and the times when I just want to give up.
What are you thankful for this week ?