Day #9 of our Vlog Every Day in February project ! SO glad I am not giving up.
Today… I can’t wait for it to be over, well kind of… I went for a walk this morning and for once I did not come back with a cleared and positively set mind. Fortunately it is not the usual and I know I have some growth to do, and growing hurts. Fucking hurts. My heart is filled with fears and doubts. and what if-s. I know this will pass and that it is temporary. but it is painful. and counter-productive.
I woke up from a dream that feels quite important, this morning. See… I have been trying to get back to be hand in hand with my Guides for quite some time and try not to be angry about it. But I know that deep down, I am pissed. Because I feel like they have abandonned me. Like there is no help. But I guess this is to tell me that I have to do the work, that nothing is truly given and that we never should take things for granted. What I think they want me to know is that I need to keep being thankful for what currently is. For all that makes my life beautiful. It has to be a daily devotion. And then, I remember so clearly writing a letter to St Francis (why him ?!) telling I know he can make miracles, and this was my prayer to him, in the dream I take a great deal of care to use my best handwriting, and paying attention to how I was telling things. Then I put the paper in a box with dozens of prayers from other people who came from all over the world too, putting their hopes and dreams into words and surrendering them. Really weird dream…
I am not giving up. Surrendering is not saying you’re fed up. It is about trust and about faith.
Thank you <3
Oh lalalalalala j’ai vraiment l’impression que de l’autre coté de la terre un miroir me renvoyant tout de moi a été dressé ! Je te comprends tellement…; TELLEMENT !! Je passe mon temps a essayer de refouler tout ça… et tu dirais que ça sort par chaque pore de ma peau… Comme un aura ou un truc qui colle au corps, colle à l’âme… “On est ainsi faites ma pauv’lucette” ^_^ je sens que je vais t’écrire une looooooooooooooooooooooooongue lettre ! Papier ce serait encore PLUSSSSS mieux 😀 Tu serais d’accord ? Je te retrouve sur fb ! Bisouilles ma petite caille dorée <3 (et tu sais quoi, ça fait un BIEN fou de ne pas se sentir "seule", parce que ce que tu partages, offres de toi à nous toutes tes lectrices et tes fans, c'est de l'or brut <3 De la magie, de l'amour…