Tonight, the Moon is Full and Whole. Which means that I try to take the time to make a DreamBoard to focus and wishcast what I want for the cycle to come.
July Full Moon is usually called Full Buck Moon, because it’s the time when the new antlers of buck deer push out from their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur (source: This Moon brings enchantment, health, renewal, success and strenghth (source: Chroniques d’Acturius).
For the first time, Cheridoo (my husband) and I created together, we looked for images and words through my big pile of magazines to gather them for our shared goals. After all, what’s about him is generally about me and vice-versa.
It was nice, even if he couldn’t help reading ALL the newspaper articles instead of really focusing ;). I enjoyed doing this personal thing with him and hope we’ll do it again.
I have a few more details to add with pens, but it’s late so I’ll do it tomorrow (wednesday).
I am very pleased by the result !:
Each Month, I love seeing what others create to celebrate the Full Moon and cast their wishes to the Universe for the cycle that begins; thanks to Jamie and her DreamBoard Circle. Ahlala she started a real circle in Toronto, lucky them !
It inspires me and so I’d like to create a DreamCircle with people who would be interested in gathering each month before the Full Moon in order to make our DreamBoards. If you are settled in Vancouver (BC, Canada) area and would like to know more about the process and how we can manage a group, don’t hesitate: contact me !