That’s it, we are in our new house at the other far side of the country: Québec. Most of our things are still in boxes, we don’t know where most of everything is, but we will get there eventually (right ?).
We were in an empty home for a few days once the movers took all we had into two trucks, leaving us with the bare minimum. Good thing we still had the internet and tablets+computers, right ?
I will forever cherish the time with our friends and neighbors, how they woke up early on a Saturday morning to be there when we left for the airport, with hugs and a banner and everything. This certainly was the best part of these fours years where we lived !
Some people wonder how come we are leaving “beautiful British Columbia” for the snow and cold winters in Québec, there are several reasons and my husband and I went back and forth so many times, it is not an easy decision to unroot AGAIN our daughters and start over AGAIN.
It was the first time the girls were flying and would remember it (they were too young to remember when we came from France). So they were truly both excited and a little scared (especially Koala who kept telling us she did not really want to be up in the air for so long…). Waiting at the airport was a bit long (and luckily we don’t have to be as much in advance as in international flights) but other than that, all went well. We arrived early evening in Montréal, it was hot and beautiful.
I am now writing from the patio in our backyard, listening to the leaves and to the birds singing, wondering if the squirrels will pay me a visit while I am outside. My husband went back to work this week (he took some vacations for the move and then worked from home before going back to his new Montréal office today).
Our new neighbours are nice (well, on one side, as we don’t know the others yet), and welcomed us with pastries. A swimming pool is in the process of being built, should be all done by the end of the month (if we have not lost our minds in the process yet).
My Studio is a total mess, filled with so many boxes it is a maze to navigate. But it is a bigger space than the Teal Studio, meaning I will need to find how to arrange it so it is inspiring and I am glad to step in it everyday… (wish me luck !).
Sometimes, you just need to take the leap, know everything will unfold as it should no matter how unexpected it can appear. This is what we did by moving across the country. Now, let me tell you: I don’t want to move house for a good 20 years 😉
Je suis très heureuse de savoir que tout va bien et que tout ce déroule normalement finalement 🙂 Oui il a toujours des imprévus c’est normal, mais joyeuse de voir ces pâtisseries pour ce régaler wow miam !
Je te souhaite de trouver tes marques pour ton atelier. C’est un chantier pour le moment mais je suis certaine que tu y arriveras j’ai une grande confiance en toi Nolwenn <3
Prend soin de toi et surtout profite de la chaleur et des belles soirées cet été ça va trop vite 😉 À bientôt.
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[…] seems to be happening, steps backs are made… I am very thankful for the possibility to change our lives for better and have to remind myself almost daily that the storm will pass, we will eventually be settled […]