Welcome on a new edition of my weekly ritual, Gratitude Friday (if you are not familiar with it, please go read how it came up and what it is about).
I know it’s been a few weeks since my last Gratitude Friday and I apologize. Did you continue to find time to focus on your Gratitude ? I really hope so <3
My mood has been really wonky and I have not felt like this for a veryyyy long time so it took me by surprise. I am still trying to figure out ways to help me with that.
Every single day, I have a few minutes dedicated to reach out within and be thankful.
This week, I am thankful for:
- Having finally bought our plane tickets for France. We had to make the tough decision to report it AGAIN so no french Christmas.
- The comfort of home.
- Books books books.
- Music.
- Morning walks.
- Make-up.
- Being able to witness how beautiful Fall season is here in Québec.
Tell me, how was your week ? What makes you burst with Gratitude today ? Share in the comments <3