Welcome to this new Gratitude Friday ! Feel free to share with me your (partial or full) gratitude moments in the comments; that way I can hold joy for you ✿ (you know that makes me happy to make you happy).
I know I know… I need to get back (again) on the blogging horse. I have so much to share that it overwhelms me, and therefore I shut everything down. Stupid, I know this too…
This week, I am grateful for:
- Hot Epsom salt baths
- Amazing books (currently reading Kat & Meg conquer the world by Anna Priemaza)
- Sticking to 80 Day Obsession program, working out 6 days a week and eating the timed-nutrition plan. Kuddos to my accountability group and amazing coach Carmen.
- Making new videos.
- Sunshine on (very) cold days
- The support of my family
- Cooking real food. Meal prep actually makes me feel really good (probably the Virgo in me)
What about you ? What is coming to your mind that makes you feel “this was real good” ?