Following yesterday’s Brain Dump blog post, I spent some time thinking about how I could get more out of my creativity…
Buy my art (duh)
Of course, this is the first thing we can think of: buy the art (my Etsy shop is still open for now, as well). As a working artist, it is my responsibility to offer my customers an array of price ranges to choose from, original and why not prints or other products with my art on it.
I know that money is tight these days though, but when I buy art, I also see it as an investment. And I think “How will this piece make me feel every time I pass by?“. I wish I could buy more original artwork, but that’s why it’s not the only way to support other artists.
In my ArtCave, I have a wall I call “My fangirl wall”. It is where I hang the artwork I bought from other artists. It is in front of me when I create so it feels like I am with a gang of like-minded people (weird, I know).
Share, comment, give some love
Being an artist creating from home is sometimes lonely. Luckily, nowadays we have the whole wide web to connect with each other though.
When you come on my blog, read what I have to share with you, and comment. It makes my day. When my artwork gets shared on social media so it can reach people who would not have found me otherwise, it makes my heart leap. When you watch my YouTube videos and take the 1 second it needs to give me a thumb up, it makes me wanna continue on…
It’s the little gestures that often mean the most.
Leave a tip
As I said, artwork can be expensive. But some of us have a tip jar on our website (look on your right, mine looks like this:)

Hey, any amount is appreciated. Really, even if it is so I can buy myself a cup of tea while doing the admin work.
Art supplies, Baby!
Okay… this one is especially true for me (or not) but… I love art supplies. I talk about it with great length here so it is not a secret. But this is expensive to be able to let yourself be free with the supplies needed to create. Especially when you want the good artist grade stuff (have you looked at the price of gesso, for example?).
That’s okay: it makes me appreciate what I can afford and this is why I tend to push the supply’s limits: what can it do to serve me to the max?
I created an Amazon’s WishList titled “Creative Stuff I’d love”:
Creative Stuff I'd Love
A new video series is in the making on my channel, where I will be testing supplies people sent to me (surprising me with, actually). I have already one in the making. Being unapologetic this year also means asking for what I need and for what I desire, so here goes ๐
And if the person has links to share, it will be added everywhere as a “Thank you”.
What are you favorite ways to be supported?
If you are willing, I’d love to know about how you like to be supported as an artist? I do my best to believe there is room for all of us in this deep sea. And I do know that it is by lifting each other up that we will change the game.
Thank you for being so open. So often we admire someone’s work and never think how we could actively support them and their creations. This is immensely helpful. I’m heading over to your YouTube videos now. ๐
I was so scared to share this. That it would come out the wrong way. I hope you’ll enjoy the videos ? and I just received an email with your name on it: thank you immensely ?
Big hugs! <3 You're welcome.
This is a fantastic list. I’m really in awe of your ability to articulate how you’d best like to be supported!
Thank you so much, Effy. It was not easy to push that “publish” button but I am glad I did.
It’s so nice to know what an artist needs and wants. I love your art and it feels like it just appears by magic. I need to know that there is more behind the scenes!
oooh trust me: there is layers more behind the scenes. I think I might do a “real-time” video, with several camera angles so you can be part of the process with me.
You are so very brave. I love that now I know exactly what to do to support you as an artist. I also have a fan girl wall and not nearly enough of my online artist friends’ work. I may glean some courage and do the same thing!