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On this October 31st, Halloween is celebrated all around the world; but a lot of Pagans celebrate Samhain.
It is time for harvesting what you built during this year, to bury all the negative things that happened and to start over.
Samhain is my favourite time of the year ever ! I am really excited and this year, I feel its energy for weeks before.
My whole family is excited too because it’s the first time our Trollettes will really celebrate Halloween (and Samhain too), we’ll get dressed, will treat or trick, we will cook (some yummy magical meal) and prepare the night.
It said that Samhain is the night were the veil between our World and the World of Dead is the thinner, that is why we scare bad spirits with carved pumpkins and why we lighten outside to guide those who passed away.
It is also a perfect night for divination π
This year, it boosted my creativity and Deirdre (that you can see here) decided to come π (Yes, her name was inspired by the witches saga written by Anne Rice, which I am currently re-reading. I LOVE it, really ! And because I read it long ago, it’s like it is the first time !).
This artwork is not perfect, but I like it the way it is, i don’t create perfect things, by the way.
If you like rituals, here is one I do every year:
I write down the bad events that happened during the year that is ending, and the bad feelings I felt the most on pieces of paper. I fold them and burn them (don’t forget to put them in a fireproof container). While it is burning, visualize all this going away with the smoke and simply disappear. Aand you’ll notice later on that all the negativity linked to what you wrote is gone π Magic !
If you fear fire, which I can totally understand, you can use something else that is symbolic for you: burry it near a tree, simply flush it in the toilets… be creative and do what you feel inspired to do.
A little bonus for all Tim Burton’s fans: