Gratitude Friday is a weekly ritual I started in order to focus on all the small and big positive things that happened during my week. I invite you to join me, you’ll see how much being thankful can change your life. If you want to know more about it, read my introduction post.
Hello dear Souls !
I really try to think ahead to be sure I have a Gratitude Friday to post every week. I know some of you are waiting for it, and I thank you for that. It helps me to keep doing it, even if it is unconsistantly.
I hope some of you will feel free to comment and share some of their Gratitude with us ♥
This week, I want to thank for:
- Our kind neighbors and our movie nights. We’re watching «The Lord of the Rings» trilogy, extended version (Cheridoo and I have never seen the cut scenes etc. so there is still something new for us). 6 adults watching movies while our 7 kids play together.
- Anu and her kindess, she sticks with me no matter what and she is precious. I’d hope she’d like her life and herself better.
- My secret project that is almost done. I am not sure how I feel about it, I may (knowing myself) do it over… again.
- My husband was not feeling well and stayed at home yesterday to rest. We did not do anything but he was here and it was nice.
- The paintings I am secretly creating for my girls. Not easy to keep a secret from them as they come and go in my Studio !
- My mom that listens to me rambling and crying on the phone.
- TV shows.
- Pictures of our daily life taken. Kept in our Project Life-ish albums. So we remember.
- My husband and I, trying to become better parents for our kids. Trying to change bad habits we cumulated over the years.
- Sunny DRY days. Grey is okay but rain… it gets to my bones (I know I am not in the right Province to stay dry ! ahah).

If you wrote your Gratitude Friday on your blog, don’t forget to enter your NAME and URL below so I’m notified and can come to read you (you can also join by commenting this post):
So many things to be grateful for! I’m very curious about your secret project… will you show it to us once it’s finished? 🙂
Hi Lindsay !
I’m so happy you are filled with Gratitude; feels nice eh 🙂
I will share the secret project for SURE once it is done. Can’t wait to send it to the World (and be done with all the behind the scenes work).
i love this Nolwenn. i’ve had a pretty tender week and i think making a gratitude list is exactly what i need to do. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Thank you so much for stopping by, Vivienne.
I am happy that it inspires you to create a Gratitude list soon.
i would love to see your secret paintings for your girls if they become un-secret someday! I’m grateful for new pens and a good bottle of wine!
I will post some bits soon (when the one for Koala will have her Nixie on, actually).
I’ve seen you’ve been out for new pens, love the microns ;D
thanks for stopping by !