Yes… this week marks my 26th birthday. Young ? Maybe. But it does not feel so to me. I love my girls trying to be quiet while comploting to make something special for this day with their Dad’s help. And my Koala always saying she hadn’t made me a birthday card yet and she has to do it soon because it is «the day after tomorrow !!!» (imagine the White Rabbit there).
So I decided to make it special myself here on the blog. I don’t know exactly how yet but we’ll see; bear with me please !
To begin, I thought it would be fun to share 26 things I think you don’t know about me. Maybe it would help us know each other better 😉
- I am an addict. A Nutella addict. But I am currently in desintox. Difficult with two young kids.
- I used to be depressed. And I’ve never been helped professionally for it then. No one really knew because I did my best to kind of hide the despair I was in. I was a teen.
- When I was very young, I wanted to be a trapezist in a circus.
- I love taking selfportraits. But I usually hate when someone else snaps a picture of me.
- I have 4 half-brothers on my father’s side. But they know nothing about my existence.
- My first «real» boyfriend was 9 years older than me. We stayed together for 2 ½ years. He is still my friend today.
- I am a Witch. Kinda.
- I love Paulo Coelho’s books. My favorite is «Veronika decided to die».
- I watch a lot of teen/young adult tv shows. The kind you only admit watching to your BFF, telling her she will be dead if she spills the beans about it.
- I don’t know how to draw.
- I love receiving snail mail and packages. I kind of get on everyone’s nerves when I know there is something in transit for me because I am like a child before Christmas.
- I took modern’jazz dance classes for 8 years.
- I thought I would become a cook and worked in a restaurant. This was the best job I had. I was coming home smelling spices all over me (and the smell in your hair and on your skin DOES stay).
I met my husband on an esoteric centered forum in 2003. A friend had created a thread for the one of us who were singles to post like a newspaper ad telling what we were looking for in a relationship… and my husband answered to mine. I was not expecting falling in love at that time, I was still kind of having my ex in mind not that long ago before. It was the best participation I wrote in a forum 😀
- I started my alone adult life at 18, when I went out the cozy maternal cocoon after I graduated high school.
- I regret not having any University degree and having quit Psychology. But this stays one of my passions.
- I have a fascination for names, their origins, their significance.
- I sometimes secretely wish we will move more east in Canada… Ontario or Québec. For many reasons. Even if I do really really enjoy Vancouver.
- Marilyn Manson fascinates me. I am a gothic inside.
- Being a mom is sometimes a pain in the ass. Love is tested.
- I have no friend in Vancouver and feel very lonely here. I am so shy and always fear to bother people that I don’t insist when I am put «on hold» several times.
- I love houses and buildings, their shape, their stories…
- I am in the blogosphere since 2003. I first created a private blog, when things like typepad etc were not popular, i created it for my friends, when I started University. Then I spent my life on esoteric forums, managing the one I’ve created and that had several thousands members. And when I closed it, i started «themed» blogs: cuisine, reading…. I loved playing with HTML. I guess it was my way of being Geek.
- I believe I am an Old Soul and that one of my past life was hundred of thousands years ago (wishing someone could (in)validate).
- I don’t know how to meditate.
- I was Mel B in an end of year show during middle school, some girl friends and a boy friend and I did a choreography on one of the Spice Girls’ song.
Your turn know to tell me a secret about you, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase ;D Just have fun and share in the comments.
See you tomorrow <3
Oh if I lived in Vancover I’d be your friend!
My secret, I’m an extrovert, but I too am lonely as all of my friends keep leaving the small rural town that I live in. My closest arty pottery friend leaves at the end of this year after 7 years of friendship. Sniff, sniff. I’m especially lonely for artistic friends.
i love learning more about you nolwenn! if i lived in vancouver we would definitely have to be “in-person” friends too – not simply online; i’m a witch too (for sure); and if you believe you lived 100,000 years ago then it must be true – but i get what you mean about some kind of proof! :o) happy day-before your birthday sister virgo painter!
I’ve been thinking about that pretty much all day and the most obvious aspect of me that comes to my mind is that I am the human being version of what paradox is. haha
I’m not even getting into examples because it is almost never ending!
Oh, and I’m way lazier than people think! (and I’m truly unsatisfied about that but, I guess I haven’t tried much to solve that problem…. paradox I told you :p)
Have a great week, and a great birthday!