Gratitude Friday is a weekly ritual I started in order to focus on all the small and big positive things that happened during my week. I invite you to join me, you’ll see how much being thankful can change your life. If you want to know more about it, read my introduction post.
Hello !
I know… I know. It’s been a long long time since I took the time to write here my Gratitude Friday. However, I’ve been thinking a lot about what being grateful means to me, and how to teach it to my girls. I have been implemeting it further in my life, linking it with my compulsive buying habit (regarding art supplies and stuff like that). Appreciating everything I already have, and thanking the Universe when I do have the possibility to get what I want. Pondering before buying, «do I really need that, or am I fulfilling another thing by wanting this RIGHT NOW ?». It’s been moving in my inner life…
So here is my Gratitude Friday, right now I am grateful for:
- My birthday day, as my husband was able to get his day off from work to be with me, and my birthday is during the two busiest and more stressful weeks for him at work (EA Sports’ launch of the FIFA game). We had a lunch date, and it was perfect. Thanks a lot to those of you who took time to celebrate it on my Facebook wall ♥♥♥
- I am enjoying writing and sending letters to dear ones. I hope I will get some snail mail as well.
- My friend Anu, who loves me even when she does not understand me, who supports me no matter what. And always tells me the bloody truth when I am falling apart.
- P!nk’s newest album, «The Truth About Love», which is just one of my favorite from her so far.
- Inspiration everywhere.
- I began sketching, like for real. Which is out of my comfort zone and was not at all in my habits. I love putting on paper, in a place where I am not obliged to share with anybody, Nixies, Sprixies and whatever appears in my mind. And maybe some of the characters that are discovered in my sketchbook will come to life in a painting, who knows.
- Melissa, from YellowMelle, came to play with me in my Creative Hollow. We managed to be two on my tiny work table. She created an amazing painting while she was there ! (see below)
- Our neighbors. The girls can play with the other kids. We are learning to know each others. I hope to become friends with some of them, as we are all here for at least a decade I guess.
- My brother Thomas, who called me, who thinks of me sometimes. Even if we have never met yet. He got married last week and I am so sad I missed it.
- The chance of having a good Health Insurance so I can have the meds I need for my fibromyalgia shit, and the exams I need.
- Still having big dreams sprouting in my Heart.
- Not giving up. Even if I was that close to give up, I am sticking to painting.
- Noticing how much I love taking everyday life pictures. I wish I would have taken notes during the YAYOM workshop of Vivienne McMaster.
- I posted a new {Painting In Motion} video, and making these makes me really happy.

If you wrote your Gratitude Friday on your blog, don’t forget to enter your NAME and URL below so I’m notified and can come to read you (you can also join by commenting this post):
Thank you for reminding me what a beautiful world I live in. I am so grateful for you, Nolwenn. You make the world a beautiful place. Love and hugs to you today!